KS Pogoń Prudnik - Koszykarska Stolica Opolszczyzny

Oficjalna strona internetowa KS Pogoń Prudnik - witamy w koszykarskiej stolicy Opolszczyzny


This site kspogonprudnik.pl currently has a traffic classification of zero (the smaller the more users). We have researched sixteen pages within the domain kspogonprudnik.pl and found four websites referring to kspogonprudnik.pl. We were able to acquire four mass network sites belong to this website.
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This site kspogonprudnik.pl has seen fluctuating amounts of traffic throughout the the year.
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Desktop Screenshot of kspogonprudnik.pl Mobile Screenshot of kspogonprudnik.pl Tablet Screenshot of kspogonprudnik.pl


We observed that the main root page on kspogonprudnik.pl took six hundred and ninety-four milliseconds to download. We could not find a SSL certificate, so I consider this site not secure.
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0.694 seconds
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I detected that this website is weilding the Apache os.


KS Pogoń Prudnik - Koszykarska Stolica Opolszczyzny


Oficjalna strona internetowa KS Pogoń Prudnik - witamy w koszykarskiej stolicy Opolszczyzny


This site kspogonprudnik.pl had the following in the homepage, "I liga - 17 kolejka." Our analyzers noticed that the webpage stated " Hala OSiR, Łucznicza 1." The Website also stated " Pogoń rok 2017 rozpoczęła od wysokiej wygranej w Radomiu, dzięki czemu umocniła swoją pozycję w ścisłej czołówce w ligowej tabeli. Najwięcej punktów dla naszej drużyny zdobył Tomasz Nowakowski . Czterdzieści lat minęło jak jeden rzut. Meritumkredyt Pogoń Prudnik należy do jednego z najstarszych klubów w Polsce i konty." The website's header had pogoń prudnik as the most important keyword. It was followed by ks pogoń prudnik, pogoń, and koszykówka prudnik which isn't as highly ranked as pogoń prudnik. The next words the site used was basket prudnik. kosz w prudnika was also included but could not be understood by search parsers.


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